Child Visitation Lawyers

serving clients in Henderson, Las Vegas and other Clark County, NV cities

Divorce or separation can be challenging, especially if a child is involved. As a parent, you want to ensure that your child’s best interests are always protected and that they receive the love and support they need

One of the most contentious and challenging issues in a divorce or separation is child visitation.

Smith Legal Group knows everything you need to know about child visitation, legal custody and physical custody. Our seasoned Nevada visitation lawyers can help secure visitation rights after divorcing your spouse.

Call (702) 410-5001 for a free consultation. We will fight for will fight for child visitation rights!

What is child visitation?

If you’re going through a divorce or separation, you’re probably wondering what child visitation is and how it works.

Child visitation is the right of a parent to spend time with their child after a divorce or separation. It allows the non-custodial parent to maintain a meaningful relationship with their child and play an active role in their upbringing.

Visitation can take many different forms and schedules. The details of visitation will be set by the family court and be based on the child’s best interest..

Parental arrangements in Nevada

In the state of Nevada, there are three distinct levels of parental responsibilities: legal custody, physical custody, and visitation.

If you are in a conflict surrounding your visitation rights, it is helpful to understand the difference between these three types of parental rights and responsibilities.

1. Legal Custody

Legal custody is a legal arrangement that grants a parent the authority to make significant decisions about their child’s life.

These decisions encompass various aspects, such as healthcare choices, educational opportunities, and even decisions of religious upbringing.

It ensures that the parent entrusted with legal custody has the responsibility and power to make informed choices that shape their child’s well-being and future.

By having legal custody, parents can provide stability and guidance, fostering a nurturing environment for their child’s overall development and growth.

2. Physical Custody

Physical custody refers to the living arrangement of a child post-divorce or separation.

When a parent has physical custody, the child resides with them for the majority of the time.

Nevada law prioritizes joint physical custody, meaning the child lives with both parents on an equal basis. However, if one parent has 61% or more of visitation time, they may be considered as having primary physical custody.

Sole physical custody, where the child lives with one parent 100% of the time, is also possible.

3. Visitation

Visitation is the designated time a non-custodial parent can spend with the child.

Courts determine this schedule based on the best interest of the child, considering factors like the age of the child, the child’s relationship with each parent, and the ability of each parent to meet the child’s needs.

Visitation schedules may vary, including weekend visits, holiday visits, or extended summer visits.

Supervised visitation may be ordered if there are concerns about the child’s safety.

It is required that parents adhere to the court-ordered visitation schedule.

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Further Reading

family law child visitation concept

Smith Legal Group has visitation lawyers with years of experience handling child visitation cases and fighting for their client’s parental rights.

Child visitation is an essential aspect of a divorce or separation. Therefore, it’s essential to work with a child visitation attorney to help you navigate this complex legal process.

Complete our submission form below or call us at (702) 410-5001 to discuss your child visitation questions in a free consultation.

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