Joint Custody in Nevada

joint custody child parents concept

In Nevada, the courts assume that joint custody is the best solution for children post-divorce because it cultivates shared parental responsibility for their emotional well-being, stability, and long-term adjustment.

So what does it mean to have joint custody of your child?

Joint custody encompasses legal and physical custody.

  • Joint legal custody means a shared right to make important decisions about a child’s life, such as medical decisions.
  • Physical custody refers to where the child lives.

You may ask your child custody lawyer to allow one parent to have physical custody, or you may choose for your family lawyer to negotiate shared physical custody.

Watch this video or read its transcript below to understand the ramifications of joint custody.


Divorce is a difficult situation. But it can be devastating for children involved if there’s an ongoing custody battle as well. While most people think that the mother automatically gets preferential treatment when it comes to child custody and visitation that isn’t always the case. A lot of times the mother does get primary physical custody over the children particularly if they are very young. However, fathers have an equal right to share in their child’s lives and the courts strive to balance the time the children spend with each parent. Also, the parents tend to share legal custody.

Child Custody Lawyers in Nevada

Smith Legal Group can help you present a custody case that demonstrates the best interests of your child. You can learn more about your custody options by contacting our Henderson, NV office at 702-410-5001 to request a free consultation.

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